The sun has come back out. I knew it would. All morning long I’ve been sittting on the deck at my father in law’s house, alternately shivering and working. I love the brisk spring air, but it is a bit difficult to type as my fingers try to make some warmth. So it is very nice to see the sun emerge from behind the clouds once more. Sure, it took until 1pm to happen, but at least it has happened. And now what to do? Well, I suppose I will relish it’s memory, because once more, the clouds have returned!
Author: Bow Tie Guy
The Bow Tie Guy hosts the Mess it Up podcast each week on #TuneInTuesday. He lives in the Mojave Desert with his wife. When he isn't at Starbucks or volunteering with Prison Fellowship, he can usually be found watching the LA Kings or Arsenal Football Club.
Talk about a Mess!
So over the past two months, pretty much the time we’ve all been staying at home, my website has not been updating. After much wrangling with the hosting company, I finally decided that it was a mess that wasn’t getting cleaned up any time soon. This week I began the task of moving to a new hosting company. That meant a new site with new tools. It has been a long learning curve for your pal, but I’m starting to figure it out. One of the new features is a blog, so with that, here I go, writing more blogs in the week. Please subscribe or follow or check in. Love you all and wash those hands!